Oh sweet baby girl. 

As we sit here at the circus and you are watching the magic unfolding before your eyes, I am watching you and wondering what you are thinking. 

Are you wondering if one day you’ll fly like the trapeze artist? Are you wondering if one day you’ll tame the wild cat in front of you and he’ll do your bidding?

Are you wondering if you’ll plunge towards the earth like the women on silk and catch yourself before you hit the bottom? Are you wondering if you’ll bring joy and laughter to others like the men with makeup on their faces and the silly big shoes?

Are you wondering if you’ll hear the roar of cheers as you entertain and impress crowds that showed up just to see you? 

Yes baby girl. You will do all these things and more, in whatever way you choose. 

And when you look down to see if the nets have been laid out beneath you, I will be there. I’ll be there to catch you when you fall. I’ll be there when you stand up and fly again. 

Behold the magic before you and believe in the magic that’s within you, my baby girl.

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