Do you ever feel like the universe is speaking to you?

Do you ever feel this pull, push, calling, or whatever you want to call it to do something different in your life? To do something BIGGER in your life? If so, did you listen to it?

Or did you stuff it down and hush it’s cries waiting for another day? Waiting for when it would be easier to answer, better timing, less stressful, or until you had more confidence. Did you wait so long that it no longer reached for you? Did you wait so long that when you looked back, you could no longer see it?

As women we are raised in a society that says that our worth is dependent upon the value that we bring to others in our lives. That we are defined by how good of a wife, mother, homemaker we are or how well we can wear that size 2 dress that walked it’s slender self down the runway this season. We are defined by the value that OTHERS can attribute to us, rather than the value we can attribute to ourselves.

Very few of us hear things like “wow, awesome job taking that PTO day to relax at home” or “good work finally getting on those anxiety meds that your doctor has been recommending the last 6 months” or “good job deciding to stay home with your daughter today rather than hoping she doesn’t tell daycare she threw up this morning!” We spend so much time worrying about how others will define us that it actually prevents us from being the best version of ourselves.

Why do we hide in corners when our true selves are calling out to us? Why do we refuse to listen when our hearts are pulling at us or our bodies are saying they are in need? Why do we put all else above ourselves to the point of breaking?

Because that’s what we’ve been told to do. That’s what we’ve been told is necessary to have true value.

Listen to what the universe is telling to you. Listen to what your body is telling you it needs. Lean on those around you that offer to help instead of giving the automatic “I’m fine” response. Follow your dreams….follow them now. Not only if you are childless, not only if you have enough money, not only if your significant other supports you, not only when you feel worthy, not only when you have more confidence, not only when you believe you are enough.

Do it now and thank yourself later.

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